Friday, May 7, 2010

LINQ lambda Samples (Partitioning operator) : 'SkipWhile' example

'SkipWhile' is similar to takewhile except that skipwhile will take the values from list until the condition is met.

public void SkipWhileSimple()
int[] num = { 34, 56, 72, 74, 223, 442, 4, 61, 40 };

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num ");
foreach (int j in num)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num(unordered) with SkipWhile until value is not > 150 ");
IEnumerable i1 = num.SkipWhile(a => a < 150);
foreach (int j in i1)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num (ordered) with SkipWhile until value is not > 150 ");
IEnumerable i2 = num.OrderBy(a => a).SkipWhile(a => a < 150);
foreach (int j in i2)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Print num
34 56 72 74 223 442 4 61 40

Print num(unordered) with SkipWhile until value is not > 150
223 442 4 61 40

Print num (ordered) with SkipWhile until value is not > 150
223 442

Thursday, May 6, 2010

LINQ Samples (Partitioning operator) : 'TakeWhile'

Example Simple:'TakeWhile' will list all the items in a collection until it reaches the condition given .Following example show its usage.

public void TakeWhileSimple()
int[] num = { 34, 56, 72, 74, 223, 442, 4, 61, 40 };

Console.WriteLine("Print num ");
foreach (int j in num)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num(unordered) with TakeWhile until value is not < 150 ");
IEnumerable i1 = num.TakeWhile(a => a < 150);
foreach (int j in i1)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num (ordered) with TakeWhile until value is not < 150 ");
IEnumerable i2 = num.OrderBy(a=>a).TakeWhile(a => a < 150);
foreach (int j in i2)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);


Print num
34 56 72 74 223 442 4 61 40

Print num(unordered) with TakeWhile until value is not < 150
34 56 72 74

Print num (ordered) with TakeWhile until value is not < 150
4 34 40 56 61 72 74

Example Nested: In this example we are first order the list and then uses 'TakeWhile' .The output generated is equivalent to using 'Where' clause. However note that the purpose of 'TakeWhile' is complete different.

public void TakeWhileMore()
List prodA = new List {
new Product { productID=1, productName="Prod1", productPrice=100.50, stockQuantity= 10 },
new Product { productID=2, productName="Prod2", productPrice=129.50, stockQuantity= 15 },
new Product { productID=3, productName="Prod3", productPrice=51.00, stockQuantity= 120 },
new Product { productID=4, productName="Prod4", productPrice=79.50, stockQuantity= 30 },
new Product { productID=3, productName="Prod5", productPrice=30.00, stockQuantity= 120 },
new Product { productID=4, productName="Prod6", productPrice=19.50, stockQuantity= 30 },


Console.WriteLine("\nTake While price < 99\n");

// prints nothing since 'prodA' start with price = '100.50'
var v = prodA.TakeWhile(a => a.productPrice < 99);

// This will print the 4 rows where the price is less than 99.
// Ordered + TakeWhile = Where

var u = prodA.OrderBy(a=>a.productPrice).TakeWhile(a => a.productPrice < 99);

foreach (var v1 in u)
Console.WriteLine("ProdId:{0}, ProdName:{1}, Price:{2}, Qty:{3}",
v1.productID, v1.productName, v1.productPrice, v1.stockQuantity );



Take While price < 99

ProdId:4, ProdName:Prod6, Price:19.5, Qty:30
ProdId:3, ProdName:Prod5, Price:30, Qty:120
ProdId:3, ProdName:Prod3, Price:51, Qty:120
ProdId:4, ProdName:Prod4, Price:79.5, Qty:30

LINQ lambda Samples (Partitioning operator) : 'Skip' simple and Nested

Example Simple: Skip is the opposite of 'Take', where it skips the values in a collection until numeric value specified. Following simple example shows the usage if 'skip' which skips first'5' values.

public void SkipSimple()
int[] num = { 34, 56, 72, 74, 223, 442, 4, 61, 40 };

Console.WriteLine("Print num ");
foreach (int j in num)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num with Skip(5) ");
IEnumerable i = num.Skip(5);

foreach (int j in i)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Print num
34 56 72 74 223 442 4 61 40

Print num with Skip(5)
442 4 61 40

Example Nested : Consider the following example which first filters the collection and then apply 'Skip' to it.

public void SkipNested()
int[] num = { 34, 36, 56, 72, 45, 74, 223, 442, 4, 61, 40 };

Console.WriteLine("Print num");
foreach (int j in num)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num where value > 25");
IEnumerable i1 = num.Where(a => a > 25);
foreach (int j in i1)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrint num where value > 25 and skip 5");
IEnumerable i2 = num.Where(a => a > 25).Skip(5);
foreach (int j in i2)
Console.Write("{0} ", j);

Print num
34 36 56 72 45 74 223 442 4 61 40

Print num where value > 25
34 36 56 72 45 74 223 442 61 40

Print num where value > 25 and skip 5
74 223 442 61 40